Jakki Roberts Therapy

About Me

My Story.
 My Mission.

My passion is to encourage people to have a healthy lifestyle. If I can do this by example then I’m half way there….

Juggling work, family and having a social life isn’t easy for anyone, especially in these challenging economic times. I not only enjoy the physical part of my job but also being able to empathise with the difficulties of maintaining routine & focus. None of this has come easy to me, I have had to work hard to keep the healthy lifestyle I lead. I will never give up.  

I first qualified as a Sports Massage Therapist in 1998 and have been enjoying a fulfilled career ever since.

My greatest experience was working with Medical Team at The 2002 Commonwealth Games.

Being a Level 4 Gold Member of The Sports Massage Association (www.thesma.org) gives members of the public reassurance that my qualifications and experience have been maintained to their highest required standard throughout my membership since joining in 2001.

I have done numerous courses over the years and gained so much experience working with many different people from all walks of life. 

Becoming a fully qualified Personal Trainer has assisted me in helping others with their exercise. Nutritional advice has also helped many people maintain a healthy lifestyle. Scar tissue course was a very good course that enables me to help with increased flexibility even on old scars. 

Exercise and aging course was truly remarkable and now I love to focus on the aging process and how to enjoy a fulfilled long, pain free life. 

I enjoy working out in the gym, cycling & walking/hiking. Most of all, my passion for Roller Blading has increased 10 fold in the last 15 years!



Stretching keeps the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Without it, the muscles shorten and become tight. Then, when you call on the muscles for activity, they are weak and unable to extend all the way.

Sports/Remedial/Therapeutic massage can help all this as well of course! 

Inline Skating

I Street Skate regularly in London and I assist with a fabulous group pushing disabled people in wheelchairs (yes, that’s right!). An organisation called wheelsandwheelchairs (see Facebook) meet up in Battersea Park, London. We skate and push disabled people. They love the experience and I’m so a happy to be able to take part as much as possible.


Walking just 30 minutes each day is ‘recommended’. There are so many benefits of walking even if it’s the only exercise you do. 

The Setting


Relaxing room for massage.

Jakki Roberts

Professional Masseur